For Owners
Humana Agenzia Immobiliare, registered as an intermediary in the C.C.I.A.A. association, has been operating in the sector since the 1980s, ensuring owners professionalism, seriousness and maximum availability.
Among the services available to those who rely on us to rent their property are the cleaning of the apartment and the linen, as well as the possibility of carrying out maintenance work on their property at favorable economic conditions. We also give visibility to your home on our website, on national real estate portals and in sector magazines.
As far as properties for sale are concerned, once we have been appointed, we provide technical assistance (appraisals, cadastral and mortgage surveys) and contractual assistance: from visits to public deeds.
If you entrust yourself to our agency, you will no longer have to think about anything, we will follow all the procedures relating to the rent or sale of your property.

Where you can find us:
Via Flaminia, 105 60026 Numana (AN) -
Sirolo office:
+39 071 9331181 -
+39 335 1431693 -
Email: -