

Numana Alta and Numana Bassa

The town is divided into two areas: Numana Alta and Numana Bassa.

Numana Alta represents the oldest part – the historic center – with houses in white stone of the Conero, the alleys, the Tower – an ancient ruin dating back to the Picene era – and the Palazzo Vescovile, today the Town Hall overlooks the Piazza del Santuario where the church that houses the S.S. Crucifix.

Numana Bassa is the most modern part with the tourist port and bathing establishments.


Promenade and beaches

The Numanese beaches begin with the Spiaggia del Frate or dei Frati and La Spiaggiola. To divide these wonders, the peak of Piazza Nuova.

After the port, the long beach of Numana Bassa begins which extends as far as Marcelli, a hamlet of Numana. This beach connected by a sidewalk invites you for morning and evening walks. It is a succession of bathing establishments that offer multiple services.


Historical evolution

Numana dates back to ancient times. From being a very important commercial emporium of the Greek world – which later fell at the hands of a terrifying earthquake – the town was rediscovered – at the beginning of the 1900s – by the Roman nobles who made it their “summer home” .

From a humble fishing village, Numana has transformed into a modern tourist village at the foot of Monte Conero.

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